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Seven portfolio ranges

Our Portfolios: an efficient, straightforward way of holding a diverse range of investment funds


We offer seven model portfolio ranges. Each has a different investment strategy and each is constructed to deliver different investment objectives. However, inside all of them you will find a mix of investment funds.


We look at all funds available to UK investors and select the ones we think will best achieve the objectives of that particular range. Each range is thoroughly diversified and includes different countries and regions. Our portfolios are as comprehensive as we can make them, but we only choose a fund if we believe that it is aligned with the specific objectives of that range.

Choosing the funds involves extensive, rigorous and continuous research and analysis. A lot of detailed work is involved. For instance, we regularly analyse all the individual holdings across all of the funds in each range – they can change regularly and we need to be careful not to hold too much of any single company, geographical area, investment style or similar in a portfolio inadvertently. Also, we do not invest in funds that we think could be difficult to sell when we need to do so.

Getting into our Classic Active and Contemporary Classic portfolios is especially tough. Only the very best fund managers are good enough. Go to the Partners section to see them. They include well-known names – you will probably recognise many of them – and some less well-known. The current funds held in each portfolio are listed in the portfolio factsheets.

The Range at a Glance

Mkc Invest Portfolio Range


Our portfolios are only available through professional financial planners.

To speak to someone call 020 7702 4488 or email