Business Leadership Concept

Your money is invested to achieve your agreed objectives

Our Approach


We know you have a choice about who to trust with your money. Here are some reasons to trust us.


The MKC Invest difference
  • We innovate, building new styles of portfolios to meet a wider range of objectives.
  • We believe in long-term investment with a patient and disciplined approach…
  • … and in delivering clear levels of portfolio risk without shocks or surprises.
  • We take a global outlook without a fixed bias to the UK, capturing opportunities worldwide.
  • Our portfolios are only available through professional, authorised financial planners because expert advice is crucial to setting realistic investment objectives.
  • Your financial planner will work with you to discover what you want to achieve and – if suitable – will select one or more of our portfolios to help you get there.
  • This means that your money is invested to achieve your agreed objectives and to stay within the level of risk you have agreed to accept.
  • We have no ties or restrictions: we are free to include funds managed by any suitable investment house in the portfolios.
  • This allows us to take advantage of fresh opportunities as they arise and sell funds that we believe are overvalued.
  • We encourage strong debates and competing views within our fund selection team: we value independence of thought and action over following the herd.
  • We want you to understand what we do and why: honesty and transparency are our watchwords.


You can read more about model portfolios, how we manage ours and what you need to know as an investor in the sections below.

Our portfolios are only available through professional financial planners.

To speak to someone call 020 7702 4488 or email